Use "monocyte|monocytes" in a sentence

1. Functions of alpha-4 integrins in monocyte emigration.

2. Anecdotic anecdotist anecdotists Anecdotages anecdotage encodes monocytes anecdotical canoeists anisettes

3. Phagocytic reticulum cells of the various hematopoietic organs are highly activated monocyte-derived macrophages.

4. RV is able to enter monocytes and B-cells, activating them.

5. Just like other tissue macrophages, the monocyte-derived Amoeboid microglia exhibit features indicative of phagocytic activities

6. Chemokines mediate the ingress of leukocytes, including neutrophils and monocytes, into the inflamed synovium

7. Absolute monocyte test results can range slightly, depending on the method used for the test and other factors

8. Decreased absolute white blood cells, neutrophils, monocytes, red blood cells, hematocrit and hemoglobin were also observed.

9. Candida albicans infection Affords protection against reinfection via functional reprogramming of monocytes Cell Host Microbe

10. Method for producing cell growth factors from adipose-derived stem cells and monocytes and applications thereof

11. Adipocytes are also susceptible to adenovirus type 2, but THP-1 monocytes are refractory to this virus type

12. 5 There are rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion,[] lysosome and other kinds of organelles in the cytoplasm of monocyte.

13. The increased alveolar bone resorption rate produced orthodontically involves multinuclear and mononuclear cells ofextrinsic origin (circulating monocyte-type cells).

14. Inflammatory bowel diseases are characterized by the accumulation of granulocytes and monocytes/macrophages at the site of inflammation.

15. The percentage of infection in monocytes by adenovirus 36 and CMV was twofold higher than that in Adipocytes

16. In conclusion, our finding showed that the progressive aerobic exercise caused significant increase inlocosyte, lymphosyt, monocyte, notrophile, Basophile and eosonophile in athletes but showed no significant alteration in HS-CRP.The progressive aerobic exercise caused significant increase inlocosyte, lymphosyt, monocyte, notrophile, Basophile, eosonophilein non-athlete group.The comparison of

17. Cytokines are proteins, peptides or glycoproteins secreted by lymphocytes and monocytes that regulate immune responses, haematopoiesis and lymphocyte development.

18. LFA-1 and Mac-1 define Characteristically different intralumenal crawling and emigration patterns for monocytes and neutrophils in situ J Immunol

19. These findings suggest that peripheral blood monocytes from patients with cyclic neutropenia are as phagocytically and Bactericidally competent as normal peripheral blood neutrophils

20. A study published in 2009 using mice found that the spleen contains, in its reserve, half of the body's monocytes within the red pulp.

21. Inflammatory Chemokines function mainly as chemoattractants for leukocytes, recruiting monocytes, neutrophils and other effector cells from the blood to sites of infection or tissue damage

22. 27 Commonly believed by scholars is that five substances play important roles in the formation of AS, i. e. vessel smooth muscle cell, Vessel endothelium cell, platelet, lipoprotein and monocyte.

23. CONCLUSIONS: Shear stress alters endothelial Adhesiveness for monocytes; at early time points, this effect is largely due to flow-stimulated release of NO and, to a lesser extent, prostacyclin

24. As was observed for leukocyte adhesion, these shear stress-dependent cell interactions also resulted in an up-regulation of tissue factor on adherent monocytes from non-activated co-cultures.

25. The composition includes, as an active ingredient, a PPAR$g(g) and/or a RXR agonist which upregulates monocyte/m$g(f) CD36 in admixture with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, excipient or diluent.

26. > What are some examples of mononucleate, Binucleate and multinucleate cells? Trick question alert … Short answer (number of nuclei parenthesized): * (0) Anucleate — Mature erythrocytes (red blood cells) * (1) Mononucleate — Monocytes (white bloo

27. Gamma-irradiation (600 rads) of newly born rabbits and cats decreases the number of migrating amebocytes in their vitreous; 24 h later, however, they are replaced by monocytes from the hyaloid vessels.

28. PPAR-γ agonists exert antiatherogenic action by inhibition the production of monocyte inflammatory cytokines, inhibition of expression of adhesion molecules in endothelial cells, inhibition of the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and have antioxidative effects.

29. Since the α-iso-cubebene reduces the generation of ROS and suppresses the activation of oxidation/reduction-sensitive transcription factor NF-B, it suppresses TNF-α-stimulated VCAM-1 expression and monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells.

30. Compared to the single culture of adipose-derived stem cells, the culture according to the present invention makes it possible to obtain a high concentration of cell growth factors from a mixed culture of adipose-derived stem cells and monocytes.

31. Serum levels of Hcy were determined by HPLC, nitric oxide (NO) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) by Chromatometry, endothelin- 1 (ET-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and interleukin-8 (IL-8) by ELISA

32. Immunologic abnormalities in children with TGA included a decreased level of T-lymphocytes and T29° subpopulation, impaired mitogen-induced lymphoproliferation in vitro, and increased nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction activity of monocytes. Impaired parameters of cellular immunity correlated with worst clinical status.

33. Antigorite is a mineral with asbestiform properties, which tends to associate with chryso … We studied the effects of fibrous Antigorite on mesothelial MeT-5A and monocyte-macrophage J774 cell lines to further understand cellular mechanisms induced by asbestos fibers leading to lung damage and cancer.

34. Moving from left to right, depicting the healthy Adventitia, the phenotypic switch from fibroblast to myofibroblast, vasa vasorum neovascularization, lipid oxidation, generation of foam cells, B cell maturation and contribution to the local humoral immune response, and transmigration of monocytes into the

35. From the very beginning of fetal development, another ameboid-type cell of mesenchymal origin makes its entrance into the vitreous through the hyaloid vessels; these monocyte-like cells differentiate into hyalocytes and populate a well-defined area of the cortical vitreous close to the retina and to the ora serrata.

36. Arteriosclerosis (from the Greek arterio, i.e., artery, and sclerosis, i.e., hardening) refers to an Acampsia of arteries.Therefore, the term arteriosclerosis describes any hardening, calcification, or loss of elasticity of middle or large arteries caused by subendothelial lipid deposits and immigration of leukocytes, especially monocytes, macrophages (MΦ), and lymphocytes, …

37. The results are reproduced graphically; on the abscissas one notes the number of punctions having been performed before and after the treatment and at the ordinates the quotient whose numerator are the monocytes and the reticuloendothelial histiocytary cells, the denominator being composed of the leucocytes and the lymphocytes (according to Mrs. Ogielska).

38. Argillaceous boa constrictor smoorklep brandon (n.) endívia desembarcar Lateral winger Marmite exchange heroic krucifix (n.) elfoglal vmilyen álláspontot díszszemle to answer, agree closed-circuit rebreather scuba (diving) pataan, palugid to be unable to let pass unnoticed, to be unable to be indifferent előméretez Monocytes gelijk (adj